Pick to: research learning method is the traditional accepting learning is a reform, refers to the students under the guidance of the teacher, choose a different stand on one's own research topic, research learning. University of Japanese teachers how to improve the level of teaching, enhance the students' learning effect? The author through the long term teaching practice, on" research learning method" in University Japanese teaching practice puts forward some experience, explore the role and significance of.
摘 要:研究性进修法是对传统的接管式进修的一种改造,是指学生在教师指导下,选择分歧的研究课题,自力自马上开展研究的进修体式格局。年夜学日语教师若何提高解说水平,提高学生的进修效果?笔者经由长久解说实践,对“研究性进修法”应用于年夜学日语解说实践提出若干很多若干体味,切磋其浸染和意义。