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A Challenging Activity in Teaching Grammar


in High School in China

Mark Mao(毛加添)


    Grammar teaching has often been regarded as a structure based, formal activity. After the integration of several sources and techniques, which are mainly based on communicative activities, the teaching of grammar gained a new insight (Arif Saricoban and Esen Metin). In the teaching of grammar in senior middle school in China, most teachers use the deductive and the inductive approach, especially the deductive approach. The teacher present the rules and the language is also based on the rules. Students feel bored in remembering the rules. In order to make a grammar lesson effective, beneficial, and interesting I use some well-developed and fascinating techniques in the classroom. In the present paper, a challenging activity in teaching grammar – using poems - will be discussed and examples will be provided.  

    Using Poems  

    Since the meaning is an important device in teaching grammar, it is important to contextualize any grammar point. Poems are one of the most attractive and rich resources that can easily be used in language classrooms. Poems can contextualize a grammar lesson effectively. Since poetry is often spoken, repeated, dealt with, and considered, it acts as an effective tool for practicing a specific grammatical structure. Through repeating and considering the poem, the grammatical structures become more specified. Thus, poetry not only provides a worthy resource for structured practice of grammar, but also a proper basis for practice, review and model writing. If a poem that exemplifies a particular structure is also a good poem, it engages the eye, the ear and the tongue simultaneously while also stimulating and moving us; this polymorphic effect makes poetry easier to memorize than other things for many students (Celce-Murcia and Hills, 1988).   

    Poems may bring the use of creativity and the rhythm into the language classroom, though they may also bring some difficulties. Poems are not constructed in a simple way and syntactically, thus it might be very difficult for my students to comprehend them completely. As stated by Povey (cited in Celce-Murcia and Hills, 1988) there are three main barriers for literature including poetry. They are linguistic, cultural, and intellectual barriers. Linguistic difficulties are the problems caused by the syntax or the lexicon of the poem. Cultural difficulties include imagery, tone, and allusion. At the intellectual level, the students should be intellectual and mature enough to understand the theme of the poem. These difficulties could be easily removed if the teacher provides a poem which is syntactically and thematically appropriate to the level, age and the interests of the students. Thus, by removing or minimizing the potential problems, poetry can provide a rich, enjoyable and authentic context for my students.   

    In the selection of a poem, I should first consider the grammatical structure to be presented, practiced, reviewed or modelled, then the level and the age of the students, next the theme and the length of the poem and its appropriateness to the classroom objectives. It is advisable to select a contemporary poem. Poems, which reflect cultural themes, universal features, humanistic values, or emotional aspects, will be more relevant to my students. Finally, through taking the classroom objectives into consideration, I should effectively benefit from poems as teaching aids.

    Teaching Procedures   

    1. Teaching a poem  

    At the teaching stage of a poem, it is not advisable to talk about the meaning of the poem in advance. Since they offer a reading and listening activity, poems could be presented through a reading plan. At the pre-reading stage, students might be motivated through some enthusiastic talks about poetry or the poet. Some necessary vocabulary can also be handled at this stage. At the reading stage, in order to create images , I may want the students to close their eyes while he/she is reading the poem. After the poem has been read at least twice, it is better to elicit the primary responses of the students about the poem. Next, after distributing the poem to students, I ask students to read it either loudly or silently. In order to practice the determined grammar point, I ask students to paraphrase the poem. After students reading, comprehending the vocabulary, paraphrasing the poem, students get an idea about the theme of the poem.   

    2. Discussing  

    A follow-up activity is a discussion. After paraphrasing the poem and providing some questions, the students will eventually discover the deeper meaning of the poem. But I always avoid telling the meaning. After each student grasps his or her own meaning, it is proper to discuss the depth of the poem. In this procedure, my aim is to support the students in their attempts to understand the poem and make it relevant to their lives. Once they have understood it and perceived its relevance, they will have no objection to practicing the poem or even memorizing it, for it will have become special for them (Celce-Murcia and Hills, 1988).   

    3. Model Writing  

    At this stage, firstly, I often provide the determined structure. Secondly, I ask students to write a poem about anything they want according to the model poem. In such a procedure students can practice or present any grammar point. In this way students grasp and use the grammar structure.  

    Since every class is different, the teaching procedure can be different. It is not advisable to apply one procedure too strictly. A teacher should adopt the activities according to the needs of the learners. However, it might not be very useful to use poems for young students or for beginners. Instead of poems, using nursery rhymes or songs would be more helpful since they provide more joyful and easier contexts. From pre-intermediate to advanced levels, it is really beneficial to use poems.    Examples  

    When I teach the subjunctive mood, I use the If-You-Were and If-I-Were Poems. Firstly, I present a poem:  

    If you were a shining star
    And I were your midnight,
    I’d let you shine above me,
    You’d be my only light.   

    If you were a scoop of ice cream
    And I were an ice cream cone,
    I’d put you on my shoulders
    And hold you for my own.   

    If you were a grand piano
    And I were a sweet love song,
    I’d let your keys tickle and tease
    My melody all day long.   

    If you were the pages of my book
    And I were reading you,
    I’d read as slow as I could go
    So I never would get through.   

    Secondly, I ask them to read after me twice, and then I teach the new words: cone, tickle, tease.  

    Thirdly, I ask students to discuss in group and then paraphrase it. This poem is not difficult to understand. I just remind students to pay attention the word: were.  

    Finally, I analyse the structure of the poem: The If-You-Were and If-I-Were Poems consist of 4 lines (quatrain) and 2 rhymes (lines 2 & 4). Each poem contains 2 comparisons (metaphor), one for the “I” of the poem and one for the “you.” (Charles Ghigna , 2005). Then I ask students to write a If-You-Were and If-I-Were Poem. Instructions: Think of a person you like. Compare that person to some thing (inanimate object). Now compare yourself to some thing associated with the first object.   


    So far, the usage of poems in teaching grammar is clarified. The advantages and some key points are explained and an example is showed. This activity can assist our teaching of grammar while providing a relaxed atmosphere and motivating students. This activity is student centered, hence, by using it we give a chance to our students to express themselves, enjoy themselves during learning. I t is a really challenging approach to teach grammar in senior middle school in China, but it is effective, beneficial for my students.   

    So there is an undeniable fact that if our concern is to provide a successful and beneficial teaching, we must not hesitate to use poems, which brings the structural and communicative aspects of language in our language classrooms.   


    Celce-Murcia, M. & Hilles, S. (1988). Techniques and resources in teaching grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.    
    Cross, D. (1992). A practical handbook of language teaching. G.B.: Prentice Hall.    
    Charles Ghigna( 2005). If You Were My Valentine. Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing



    语法解说经常被视为一种结构为根柢根底,正式运动。一体化后的几个根源和手艺,首若是基于外交运动,解说中的语法获得了新的熟悉(阿里夫Saricoban和埃森倚天) 。解说中的语法在高中中,年夜年夜都教师行使的演绎和归纳的方式,不凡是演绎体式格局。先生此刻的划定礼貌和措辞也是基于划定礼貌。学生感受无聊记着这些划定礼貌。为了使语法课有用,有益的,有趣的行使一些蓬勃和迷人的手艺在课堂上。在本文件中,一个富有搬弄性的运动在解说中的语法-行使诗-将谈判和例子将供给。 


    因为寄义是一个主要的培植在解说中的语法,是很主要的配景任何语法点。诗歌是最有吸引力和雄厚的成本,可轻易地行使措辞课堂。诗可以配景文法教育有用。因为诗歌是经常谈到,频频,处置责罚,并感受,它作为一个有用的器械,执行具体的语法结构。经过过程频频,并考虑这首诗的语法结构变得加倍具体。是以,诗歌不只供给了一个有价钱的成本的做法,语法结构,而且还适合的实践根柢根底,书面检察和模子。若是一首诗是反映特定结构来说也是一个很好的诗,它从事的眼睛,耳朵和舌头同时同时也鼓舞勉励和鼓动我们这个多效应使诗歌更随意纰漏记着的器械比其他许多学生( Celce -穆尔西亚和丘陵, 1988年) 。

    诗会带来行使的缔造力和节奏的措辞课堂,尽管他们也概略会带来一些难题。诗歌不是建造一个简单的方式和语法,是以它概略长短常难题的我的学心年夜白它们。正如Povey (引自Celce -穆尔西亚和丘陵, 1988年) ,有三个首要障碍包含文学诗歌。它们是措辞,文化,和智力障碍。措辞上的难题所造成的题目问题语法或词汇的这首诗。文化方面的难题包含图像,铃声,和典故。在常识层面上,学生应理智和成熟,年夜白主题的诗。这些难题可以很随意纰漏地删除若是先生供给了一首诗是语法和主题适合的水平,岁数和快乐喜爱的学生。是以,消弭或尽量裁减概略泛起的题目问题,诗歌可以供给一个雄厚,起劲的和真实配景的我的学生。 





    一项后续运动是一个谈判。经由改写的诗,并供给了一些题目问题,学生们将最终发现了更深的寄义,这首诗。然则,我老是避免申报意义。每个学生把握后,他或她自己的意思,这是正确的,谈判的深度,这首诗。在此过程中,我的目的是撑持学生在试图认识这首诗,使他们的生涯有关。一旦他们的年夜白和认知的相关性,他们将不否决实践诗甚至背诵它,因为这将成为不凡为他们( Celce -穆尔西亚和丘陵, 1988年) 。 











    末尾,我剖析的结构,这首诗:该若是用曩昔和若是我遭到诗包含4线(四行)和2儿歌(线2 & 4 ) 。每一首诗包含2对照(歧) ,一名为“我”的诗,一个用于“你。 ” (查尔斯Ghigna , 2005年) 。然后,我要肄业生写一个,若是有一则来自若是我遭到诗。声名:想想你喜欢的人。对比之下,人的一些工作(没有生命的物体) 。此刻对照自己的一些工作与第一个器械。 





    Celce -穆尔西亚的M. &希尔斯,美国( 1988年) 。手艺和成本在解说中的语法。牛津年夜学:牛津年夜学出书社。 
    跨, 4 ( 1992年) 。适用手册的措辞解说。 G.B. :霍尔。 
    查尔斯Ghigna ( 2005年) 。若是你是我的情人节。西蒙舒斯特儿童出书


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