【摘要】目的 切磋会阴切开缝合术愈合不良的相关成分,拟定响应对策,提高瘦语愈合率。方式 对1985年1月至2010年12月在我院阴道临蓐的127例会阴切开缝合术瘦语愈合的影响成分进行回首性剖析。效果 会阴瘦语愈合的利害与产道传染、会阴体瘢痕、会阴水肿、产道裂伤、缝合材料、缝合手艺、消毒剂的选择等有关,与受孕周数、产妇岁数无关。结论 提高会阴瘦语愈合率,重点在于产前实时治疗阴道炎症,增强助产人员手法培植,选择刺激性小的缝合材料并正视产后瘦语护理和健康宣教工作。【关键词】伤口愈合不良 原因剖析 对策
【Abstract】Objective To study the perineal cut was scheduled poor healing of related factors, and the corresponding countermeasure, and enhance the incision healing rate. Methods From January 1985 to December 2010 in our hospital of 127 cases of vaginal delivery perineal cut was scheduled incision healing influence factors were analyzed. Results Episiotomy healing of birth or infection, and perineal body scar, perineal edema, the birth canal, suture material torn, technique of suture, the choice of disinfectant and other relevant, and gestational age, maternal age have nothing to do. Conclusion Improve episiotomy healing rate, the key is the prenatal timely treatment of vaginal inflammation, strengthen the birth attendants ability construction, the choice of the suture material and excitant small incision health care and attention postpartum missionaries.
【Key words】Wound healing bad Reason analysis Countermeasures
1 临床资料
1.1资料根源 本院1985年1月~2010年12月行会阴侧切术的产妇共有3047例,其中会阴瘦语愈合不良127例,产妇平均岁数25.18岁(19~42岁), 平均孕周37.6(34~42),新生儿出生平均体重3230g(2300~4500g),均为活产,产后5天拆线,于拆线当天裂开119例,产后7天内发生会阴瘦语裂开8例。其中完全裂开19例,部盘据开108例。根底情形见表1。
表1 127例会阴瘦语愈合不良产妇日常资料